

With two-thirds of all countries in the world experiencing a terrorist attack in 2016, terrorism has become an unprecedented threat to international peace, security and development, feeding off violent conflict. As conflicts have grown in intensity and number over the past decade, terrorist attacks have also increased and spread. According to the UN Secretary-General, preventing conflict and sustainable development should be the primary focus to change this trend; recognising that development is the best way to tackle the poverty, inequality and lack of opportunity and public services that feed despair.

Taking a conflict - sensitive approach

Programming should begin with a robust analysis of what is happening on the ground and why, using this to inform programming to ensure that interventions 'do no harm' and support mechanisms that prevent conflict and build peace

Defining preventing violent extremism (PVE)

Ensure that there is a clear and shared understanding with UNDP and government and civil society partners of what PVE is from the outset.

Understanding and planning for risk

PVE programmes are a politically sensitive field of activity conducted in complex and volatile contexts. Any PVE programme should include regular risk management throughout the project cycle.

Gender sensitivity and PVE

Gender identities, and how they intersect with other identity markers such as age, class, geographic location, sexual orientation, marital status, disability and ethno-religious background, determine people's positions of relative power or vulnerability. Understanding how diverse groups are affected will support PVE efforts.

Thinking through the targeting of community-based programming

Build a process to think through the nature of how a community-level PVE programme selects beneficiaries and understand how the sensitivities and challenges around this.

Building capacity for monitoring

Put in place a strategy for developing UNDP and partner personnel capacities, confidence and resources for M&E. This includes creating a culture of reflection and learning within a project team. Staff need to be able to discuss project successes and failures in a supportive environment.

Principles of good PVE programming

This useful table summarizes the principles of good PVE programming.

Key considerations for evaluation

Key considerations for the three stages of evaluation.

Module 7: Evaluation and learning

Offers guidance on planning an evaluation in a PVE context and set evaluation questions relevant for a PVE context